Covid19 The New Normal

Well how do I start it has been officially 30 days of lock down. I had become a stay at home person for a few years before this virus hit us. A big change because at one point in my life for many years I was a socialite. They have been and will spoon feeding us this lockdown in 30 day increments. People fail to realize that this going to last longer than they think. People are already getting stir crazy with boredom, cabin fever and their money drying up. They already pre-tested most of the scenarios on what the habits and behaviors the masses will go to. They know if not handled properly there will be riots. The plan is to remove the middle class and have two classes rich and really poor. Most of us are going into debt and out livelihoods as we know or known are gone. That's a harsh reality to wake up to. Most of us had a good life, independent life, a happy life, a life that could use some small improvements, but all the same pretty good. We traveled, we ate out, we conversed, and congregated with friends. Had birthday gatherings, clubbing, game parties, maybe that alone drinker at the bar just to get out the house. Now we are in isolation and in home locked down with people we may or may not want to be locked down with. Sad part also is some people are in lock down alone. No one to talk to, to be frustrated with, complain to or just have that close person who is in it with you literally. This is not a time to be alone in this new normal.

We are not even at the point yet of a new normal. Things are going to get worse before they get better. Every day the fear tactics, the constant reporting on local and cable news only feeds into the isolation and doom and gloom. Yes this virus or whatever it is, is real, I too have had some of these symptoms. The mild body aches, the fuzzy brain, not being able to focus, loss of taste and smell, and mild headache. I think being a vegetarian and being an herbalist helped me not be down as some others. I only noticed feeling bad if I happened to eat some cheese. Knowing my body I quickly removed that from my diet, hydrated and took my herbs . It was said early on it was a mucus illness so dairy get the away from me. Now I think dairy has nothing to do with this silent illness. I do believe it was man made and that radiation is playing a big role also. I do believe it is population control. I do believe it is the beginning of mass vaccines and chip implantations to monitor and control the masses. That being said there is nothing much we can do because this has to play out. We will be on lockdown until the agenda they set out is fulfilled. This is bigger than all of us. A few people dying to achieve their goal is worth it. What do we do? What can we do? How do we not get vaccinated? Will they kill the deflectors? Will we be put in camps? Those that deny this vaccine and tracking device will we be denied food, shelter, income, our family, life? We just don't know. Everything is unknown at this time and that's where anxiety sets in.

This time reminds me of every movie I've seen about big brother watching, listening, tracking, monitoring, and telling you/us what are jobs are. Where we can and cannot go. Slave labor in full effect, people working in jobs they would have never picked for themselves. Sterilizations and babies born as miracles in a few years. We now are all those movie in real life. I don't know if you noticed but the cities are redoing streets, laying cables in the ground and putting up more and more towers. All of which alter our DNA and cause us to become sick as well. So second waves of the virus will be to people dying from radiation. Any death right now is labeled covid19 anyway. If you would have told me this would be happening or that this event or moment in time would happen I would have called bullshit. Not during my lifetime!

Mask mandates is where we are now. This illness has been around since Dec.2019 to Feb. 2020. We were all walking around no mask no 6ft distance. Now April to May we are too close to each other and a cloth mask is supposed to protect us? Anything to make the masses feel safe and to add to the fear. This is to say that this illness is therefor airborne. The mask protects you from spreading it to others? If you cough with that cloth mask on you know there will be particles that will escape that mask right? That's neither here nor there I don't have a problem with people wearing mask. I just think If the people who don't want to wear a mask it's their choice so leave them be, pulling them off busses and kicking them out of stores is bit much. You're wearing the mask to protect people from you, so if you got one on you're good. Every day or week a new rule comes up on how this illness transfers. We don't know. These new rules just continue to divide us. What will happen to the peoples mindset when we have electricity power loss on a mass scale, have food shortages and food price increases? No real money in peoples hands. It will further invoke panic and a demand for a vaccine! We are without jobs and the ability to work and provide for ourselves and our families due to not being essential(people keeping states functioning) and stopping the spread of this illness. People will grow tired, frustrated, and depressed because money to save people has conditions, pushing you into debt, becoming a servant to a master to repay said debts! Therefor being two classes RICH or REALY POOR! We're just PUPPETS in the larger scheme of things. Of this now New Normal.


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