Remember When We Use To...

Nothing to do-no where to go. No business to go to. Isolation. I'm lucky I have people to be locked down with I love. My daughter and two beautiful grandchildren. Family who call and check on me weekly. It's crazy being a provider/head of household all your life and now have to rely on your adult children and government to help you out. My savings were good for only a month, I usually have at least two months of savings but I dipped into it for small things, thought I had time to replenish. No regrets, it's all good. I at least had that. Some people had nothing. This stimulus the government is sending out is taking time and there is no real guarantee who will get it. Even applying for unemployment no guarantee. People thought of me and sent me links to apply for help. Clients call or text to check on me which is awesome. Then you have the small business loans they are giving out. Guess what you have to qualify for that so there goes that guarantee. Who the hell want loans? Not me, if that is my only rescue for these times I'll take the compounded debt. If I even qualify. It's hard for all us business owners especially us with a specific niche. Cosmetologist, Barbers, Nails, Massage , Bars, clubs, all businesses who have very close contact with people for us to do our job. I figured my business was good for the long haul, robots couldn't do my job lol.

Social distancing not robots has destroyed our life as we know it. I sat for a couple of weeks thinking what could I make? What could I sell because people are working? People are making money. People are able to stay afloat. For them nothing has changed except work and go straight home. For us, no work just stay home. Buy essentials and find stuff to keep you sane. The creative people with means have found a way to stay afloat making mask. Selling products they already had. Selling shirts. Online tutorials. Finding some new skill to make money. I look at them and say good for them they found a way in these troubled times to survive to thrive if only for a limited time. I did find a business I could do. A way I could make some money. I opened a catalog boutique where people could purchase items from my online store. Social distancing not a problem for this business model and still requires interaction from people. It will take time to grow and I'm cool with that.

Being on lockdown takes it's toll on you. There is only so much TV, Netflix, Hulu, streaming services, recorded shows you can watch. I rarely tune in to the propaganda media, that stuff will have you depressed and hopeless. I decided I'd come back to my first love writing and venting. All these thoughts in my head, no clients to talk to, no clients heads to do. No one to coach behind the chair. Cabin fever sets in, I go for 30 minute walks to see what the world looks like. A world that is ever changing right before our eyes. We still don't know what it will look like in coming months or in a year. One day the survivors from this will say, " Remember when we use to?"

I'm already remembering just from February 2020. How about you? I miss ordering food through delivery services like Uber Eats and DoorDash, and people doing me a Favor for a fee. I miss ordering groceries and having them delivered. I was already a home body and didn't go to stores or eateries anymore. That was all by choice not a mandate. I miss looking at my cart for Amazon and choosing when I will order my next thing. I miss having a purpose. Having goals, and incentives. Being self motivated. Having my own money. Paying my own way. Choosing to spend my money on what makes me happy or brings me joy! Even if it was on services that made me lazy lol. I miss traveling every three months. I miss being able to pay ALL my bills. I miss not having to cook! I miss happy hour. I miss great vegan and vegetarian restaurants. I miss Vegan, Reggae, Wine and Beer Fest. I miss pubs and hanging with a few key family members. All those things I miss and more. I know will not be again. Those businesses and events as we know, are going bankrupt. As most of self-employed businesses are.

Present day,No income coming in for most of us. Bank accounts in the negative and growing. Staying positive as I often do. These are trying times and moments of weakness will set in. Wondering where will I and others be in coming months. I shake it off and remember to meditate. Stay focused. Remember my mantras and affirmations. Apply for these "essential" jobs. Raising my vibrations. Slowly returning to blogging which is a great release to throw thoughts out there. Get out my head. Wow You remember when we use to..?


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