MLM Network Marketing

With any Multilevel Marketing and Network Marketing Business be sure to:
*Make sure to watch all video's on your business.
*Be sure to plug in on all calls via leadership, motivation, as was as team member calls.
*Visit your back office for training oftentimes the training is free, check out the news,sales, and any quick start material.
*Go to meetings when held, it's good for your mind,body, and soul and to socialize with "like minded" individuals.
*If there is a company format follow everything, and make sure what you do can be duplicated by your team and members.
*If your company has a system that works and it may cost a little extra pay it if it will get leads to your business.
*If there is an Auto-ship, point system, or monthly fee make sure your team is active and keeping up with at least the minimum, remind them via email, txt or phone call a few days before. Sometimes your team may be going through something and won;'t be able to make that monthly requirement you may be able to step in and help them.
*Be a product of the product, whether it is beverages, clothing, nutrition, garments, travel, etc. wear it, drink it, use it.
*Give testimonies about your product. I collect testimonies and you should to. People want to know what the product has done for someone else, especially an issue they can relate to.
*Most important of all these you must have a "WHY". Why are you doing this business: financial freedom, freedom of time, college, exit strategy, new car, help the less fortunate, or to be able to donate to different charities. It has to be YOUR WHY and it must be written down! Look at it often to keep you focused.
*Set goals for your business write them down.
*If you're a visual person take it further and make a vision board of your goals and your WHY
*Never give up
*If people don't want to hear about your business or your awesome opportunity don't waste your time, move on, I collect No's and for all my No's God will turn them into Yes
*Keep Showing your business in different ways some of them that told you no or had no answer at all will say yes. Maybe the timing was wrong for them and they needed to see that you believe in your business.
*Some people are only consumers and that's where they will stay, cool they can purchase from you
*Some have a "JOB" mentality and they will always work for someone else
*Know your audience and know it they can afford to even go into a partnership with you. If they struggle with paying bills and always have to borrow money they are not good business partners.
*Choose your partners wisely or let your partners choose you.
*Affirmations and Confirmations on your business help,s speak positive about your business and your partners business.
*Home based business have plenty of tax write offs which is another added bonus!!


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