Cyber Bullies

We are living in a global hater, fault finding, finger pointing time right now. We took a shift somewhere towards a global negativity.
As I look at Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and see so many hateful things people say on images, pages, timelines, and even groups it saddens me a little. No one is free because we are all on the same playing field so to speak. At one time celebrities where untouchable, now all you have to do is go to a page, link, image, timeline and say what the hell you feel, good or bad. No one is safe from these times.
The lady/man next door. The child down the street. Anyone can freely write on your pages with their mean-ugly-negative-comments. Some are more polite and don't post on your page or image, and believe me they are still talking about you to their friends about how much of a "fail" you and your picture is. There's nothing anyone can do about this.

As I look at timelines on Twitter, images on Instagram and read the things people say, and the things people tell other people in these Facebook groups, I am thrown aback. Looking at what the world has come to- how-when- did this shift come? How long is it going to be here?
The New Norm... is it "social media bullying"? Stars/Celebrities/Common Folk can only sit back and take it. I can't believe half the things I've read on celebrity images and timelines. Ex: A pretty girl in a picture, she is smiling, hair together, clothes together it appears to be a nice picture. Here we go social media bullies: "Bitch you ain't cute" "Where you get that shirt garage sale" "Those shoes are fake" "I bet that's a man" "You should die cause you really ugly". The list goes on, so much so I don't even "like" the picture so not to be a part of the negativity on it. Some people only follow people to talk about them. To hate on them. For celebrities they have gone through this struggle for a long time and have built some tough skin. Now that everything and everyone is equal and on the same playing field "Social Media" wise the hate has increased globally. There are no censors. We the public can reach out and touch anyone/everyone with a click of a mouse or touch pad. Speak whatever we feel about them good, bad,and even the ugly. We don't even think about how it may hurt someone.
Will we switch back or will we move even forward with this new norm of global hate-negativity-fault finding-finger pointing-social media bullies? I do commend those who keep their heads up in-spite of and continue to do the good positive things they were put on this earth to do. We as a people have learned to have an even tougher skin in these changing times of hurtful words and rumors.
Anyone who has received those negative comments and tweets, remember it is only a reflection of the shift in the Universe. For these now are the times we are living in. Everyone is a critic and judge now a days. For these are the times, sad as it is, it is the new reality... until we can some how create a new shift of global thinking and behavior.....hopefully a change will come sooner than later...for now....may you walk in peace.......


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