
What is the meaning of Virtue: Strength, Courage, Bravery, Value, Merit, Integrity of Character(doing the right thing no matter what),Purity of Soul, Excellence, Kindness,Honesty, Service, Respectful, Forgiving, Positive Character,Principles, and Living with a Purpose.

We are often reminded or only think of being Virtuous as it pertains to the Woman in the bible: who is early to rise, wise, well dressed, works hard, and is a provider for her family. Any person can be virtuous. A man can be virtuous because it is a state of mind, a practice of the heart, a state of being, it is a characteristic that anyone can adopt. The essence of a person who has principles of love, honesty, hard work, a kind open heart, and has much value in themselves. For they are aware of their value, as well as adding value to their partner and family. They also add value to organizations and their community. They are givers. They are positive people. Most of all they influence, motivate, and encourage others to do better,to achieve excellence. They go above and beyond what others may do. They are brave, bold, and stand apart from others. They have a light that shines. They are those that volunteer and know the importance of service to others.
When you know your value you do not settle for mediocrity. You know you are the cream of the crop. You demand respect because you respect yourself. You will not allow others to put you down or make you feel less than. You treat people how you want to be treated. In fact people will recognize your virtue and treat you accordingly. A virtuous person does not judge others for their short comings. We should all strive to be of virtue to ourselves, others, and our family.
Know your value, and to thine own self be true. Do not be afraid of who and what you are! You are made by the Most High! The Creator who does not make junk. Embrace your greatness. Define what your moral compass is and stick to it. Remember what others believe in does not have to be your belief system. We can all strive to be Virtuous.


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