Observation Gloves & Sanitation

A little observation of the professionals and their gloves. Case in point Dental Office. The dental assistant puts on his/her gloves. They touch the computer to pull up your file so they can take X-rays. They touch the keyboard, they touch the mouse, get all the slides up. Then they touch the protective vest and put that around you. They prepare the tools that will go in your mouth to get all the digital images of your teeth. Yeah all the items going in your mouth have protective covering. Did they touch those coverings with the same gloves that they touched everything with? They leave go to a room and hit the X-ray button. Same gloves. Touch the computer, touch the mouse, and repeat the process for all the X-rays. Never once changing those gloves that have touched everything. The only one safe from germs and transfer is the person wearing the gloves who have touched everything in that examination room. Should they take the gloves off touch all the equipment, put the gloves back on, put on a new glove each time? What do you think. Just observe the next time you go to the dentist.
Observation at Fast Food Places. People complain they want people to wear gloves when they are preparing their food. Have you watched everything they touched with those gloves on. The microwave, drawers, the bottles, and the fixings. Some of them do not remove the gloves after each food order they have to prepare. Talk about germs. They need to change gloves for each process, they should not be touching a microwave or anything that a number of people have touched then touch your food. What do you think?
Another observation, Chefs with that towel they wear on their side. That is a dirty towel. You are aware that they clean the plate off with this rag, they wipe their hands on this rag all day. That poor rag sometimes is with them from the start of the day until the end. All the germs on that towel is on your pretty presentable plate. I have a client that's a chef and I presented the case to him. He was taken aback because he never thought of his trusty towel as being dirty. Just some simple observations. What do you think?
As I tell my children, and others who complain about gloves, cleanliness, and sanitation, all you can do is pray over your food, and everything else you depend on others for sanitation safety. Some people really think they are being clean and sanitary with these gloves. Take time to observe at the next place you eat, dental, or medical facility.


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