The People's Pulse with S.Lynn Bryant

The People's Pulse is a highly opinionated talk show for the people and about the people! We have guest on and they state their opinion on a number of topics. We have panel guest as well as pulse participants who also voice their opinion on a number of topics. The opinions are usually from the guest and pulse participants not of the host. We welcome any sponsors who want to run adds on the program. The People's Pulse is now showing on UHN, that's right, Urban Houston Network, on digital channel 43.5. Our topic for discussion was "How Important is Sex in a Relationship?" my guest was Elle the Host of Real Talk with Elle on blog talk radio. The questions for segment one 1.Is sex important? 2.What is considered boring sex? 3. What are the feelings about barter sex? 4. What's a good frequency a. once a week b. twice a day c. one or twice a month 5. It is said that men express emotions through sex, do you think this is true? What about abstinence while dating and waiting until marriage? The questions or ideas for segment two. "What are some creative ways to enhance sex in a relationship?" 1. Should toys be introduced? 2. Should there be a change in location or find new locations? 3. Romance Parties to educate? 4. What about lingerie? 5. Can receiving or giving flowers help? 6. Give some examples of Romantic things to you. 7 Introducing role play? 8.What about Swinging? 9. S&M? 10. What about T-shirt and panties? Tune into the show to hear what "Elle" had to say about all these questions. Monday's and Friday's at 8pm on digital channel 43.5 Urban Houston Network "It's A Lifestyle"


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