Whole Foods and Being a Vegetarian

I hear a lot of people say whole foods or organic foods are expensive. Guess what, I use to think the same thing. The problem is we have been so use to buying things in bulk and that has become expensive. In reality all food items have gone up. What we paid for bread and milk has tripled. I am blown away at times when I see grocery store prices. So if I am going to pay a high price, I'd rather pay for something that is at the least a healthier alternative for my hard earned money. I am now a vegetarian. I started out pescatarian for two weeks before I made the decision. Pescatarian's have the same diet as a vegetarian but they still eat fish/seafood. Ok, Back to whole foods, if you are new to vegetarianism or just want to know more, vegetables that are not under heavy preservatives only last 7 days after you open or cut. Honestly, I think all vegetables should be only good for seven days. So there is no need to buy in bulk. I usually buy two weeks worth of fresh vegetables. I don't buy can vegetables anymore, that alone will cut your grocery bill in half. Not buying meat will add another cut to your bill. So I save a lot of money going vegetarian. I did ask God/Universe to help with money to be able to transition into this lifestyle. It's funny because people don't think to ask God to help them buy groceries. Ask and He will help you acquire the money to make your purchases. Beans and nuts at whole foods have to be weighed so you can get beans and nuts for a good price and depending on how many you are feeding you will have more than enough. You really should think about how you will cook weekly. Cooking fresh daily just enough for two days, You will waste less. I hardly have anything to throw away now. I have been recycling since last year so now the only difference is, instead of my trash getting full of wasted food, my recycle bin is growing. I have to now make more frequent trips to the recycle places. Then there is the issue that all the food there cannot be all organic and pesticide free because how can they make so much of it? I'm not sure and that is a good question, How are they producing such large quantities of healthy food and have plentiful amount to supply a multitude of stores? Not sure, all I know and feel is that they are giving me an option to eat a less toxic food item. The energy in places where people have chosen a healthy alternative is just different from those who just live to eat, verses those who eat to live! This is not a ploy to get people to turn to a vegetarian lifestyle, but to open some eyes to the community of people who have been doing this before me, after me and so on. It's a world I didn't know existed until now and I just wanted to share my experience with you. I have played with organic food off and on for a couple of years, as I said before I thought too back then that I could not afford it. Taking meat out of your diet some how gives you an inner peace I cannot explain. I like whole foods or any place that cares about our environment and nature. People say also "you will loose weight eating all those vegetables"....ha-ha-ha.... well guess what...... I gained weight! All those beans, starches, protein tofu, and bread....shaking my head....now I have to stay in the gym. I will do a video blog showing you guys some of the things I purchase at the stores. I like Randall's also. They have organic food and I love the discount card it cuts my bill in half every time. Vegetarian Cooking For Everyone (Google Affiliate Ad)

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