Even the Blacks

Hard times are upon people and the people are speaking. They are mad. Mad that the President is not moving fast enough. They want and need recovery now. The people are saying why health care when we need jobs, If we had better jobs we could pay for our own health care. Then to top it all off gas is ever increasing. Gas or food for the family. Thank goodness for all the restaurants having value meals because that is what is feeding the people. I had a friend I talked to and this is what he was venting. He is self-employed, the bread winner, and he is upset. He is not even making half the money he use to and his family is feeling it. My words to him was hold on. Keep the faith. Everything will work itself out. He is the only black at the company he deals with and his is in agreement with the Whites. He says he is glad he has a black President but he is confused with his agenda. Hopefully there is a method to the madness of a poor economy. We just have to ride it out. I told him he has been in worst situations and he should be happy that he can take care of his family and is not on the street. He is not alone in his anger and wanting a microwave into prosperity but it takes time. Just struck me odd that now even his Black voters have turned on him. Now when and I say when we come out of this mess and the words will change. Yeah I voted for him and I knew he was going to do a great job.But as they say out of the same mouth comes blessing and cursing.


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