
Well I have been stressed lately on things I have no control over and I already know let go and let God, but sometimes things just build up and as simple as those words are, today I am full of so many negative thoughts. Trouble seems to have come all around me.I am so ready to be financially free. It all takes time I know, but today feels like the world is sitting on my throat and sufficating me. I really could use my help mate right about now. A strong shoulder to lean on and say "hey baby it's going to be alright." I am thankful for my father in heaven so after this ranting I will take time to pray to Him and thank Him. Though at the present time I am not understanding where he is leading me......hello God...I need you


  1. Hey cuz, everything gonna be alright. How you gonna be stressing when you won't let me do it?! Lol it'll get greater later you are one of the strongest women I know! Love ya!


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