What is the problem with universal/affordable health care? See the problem is the doctors will have to take a pay cut. They have been filling there pockets for the longest. Now I don't see anything wrong with leveling the playing field. There are far to many mothers, fathers, and children without affordable health care. The people that have health care don't want to go to the doctor because they have such a high deductable. Not to mention a Self-employed person who is only entitled to a two doctor visit a year. God forbid they would have to go three times in that year. Now what we have had is the President will be a modern day robin hood where we some from the rich give to the poor, the rich will still be rich. Greed is the problem. This is a growing problem and has been one for a long time. I have no problem with the rich. In fact you know how to rebuild your money, more power to you. But at this time,with the economy in the way that it is people are afraid to go to the hospital. A person would have to make a choice between going to a doctor or eating or even putting gas in their vehicle. The world and the regular people would just like to have some equality. The regular people want to be able to have health insurance. Obama is trying to do what he said he would do, he wants to give universal heatlh care and by God we need it. Parents have children that need to see a doctor and the mother is left to try home remedies and prayer for hope that the child will get and stay well. Regardless of how you feel about our President show some compassion for the regular people trying to survive while the President tries to fix this caos, isn't we the people for the people....well it doesn't seem like it.
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