
Communication in a relationship is something wonderful.The lack there of is something different. Every and any type of relationship via: friend, family, husband, wife, etc. needs a form of communication. Now when you have party that is very verbal and expressive and the other crawls in a corner and holds it in, can do nothing but create a problem. To hear comments like "since you brought it up it must still affect you?" No the discussion is only to inform how a person is feeling or may have felt,and what may have led them to the actions of today. To hold everything in, evaluate, and come to a solution without sharing is unrealistic. How can you evaluate and come up with a solution when the other party may not be in agreement with the actions because of your reaction.To just "deal with" an issue does not allow for proper healing. If the issue is never discussed and hurt feelings occur how can we be sure that the other party does not repeat such offense against you. Talking things out clears the air and helps people to move forward. How can one know if they hurt you if you do not communicate? Now coming up with a solution is fine but not clearing the air only breeds resentment, anger, and bitterness that will surely manifest itself later. It can and will rear its ugly head in another situation not pertaining to the present one. Communication begets understanding and a chance to move forward in a positive light. Try not to hold things in, let the people or person involved know where you are, where you would like to go, or if there is no future in any of it. By all means communicate, listen, understand,and let the party know you heard what they had to say. Come up with a solution where all parties involved can agree and set their spirit, mind, and body free. Communicate.


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