With any Multilevel Marketing and Network Marketing Business be sure to: *Make sure to watch all video's on your business. *Be sure to plug in on all calls via leadership, motivation, as was as team member calls. *Visit your back office for training oftentimes the training is free, check out the news,sales, and any quick start material. *Go to meetings when held, it's good for your mind,body, and soul and to socialize with "like minded" individuals. *If there is a company format follow everything, and make sure what you do can be duplicated by your team and members. *If your company has a system that works and it may cost a little extra pay it if it will get leads to your business. *If there is an Auto-ship, point system, or monthly fee make sure your team is active and keeping up with at least the minimum, remind them via email, txt or phone call a few days before. Sometimes your team may be going through something and won;'t be able to make that monthly ...