Cyber Bullies

We are living in a global hater, fault finding, finger pointing time right now. We took a shift somewhere towards a global negativity. As I look at Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and see so many hateful things people say on images, pages, timelines, and even groups it saddens me a little. No one is free because we are all on the same playing field so to speak. At one time celebrities where untouchable, now all you have to do is go to a page, link, image, timeline and say what the hell you feel, good or bad. No one is safe from these times. The lady/man next door. The child down the street. Anyone can freely write on your pages with their mean-ugly-negative-comments. Some are more polite and don't post on your page or image, and believe me they are still talking about you to their friends about how much of a "fail" you and your picture is. There's nothing anyone can do about this. As I look at timelines on Twitter, images on Instagram and read the things peopl...