
Showing posts from June, 2012

Your Past Does Not Define You

In some yoga classes or retreats we have soul sharing moments. Today I am led to have one of those moments with whom ever takes the time to read this. I'm not sure who this will help, someone needs to know that their past does not define them, and you can over come what ever trials you have gone through. It starts with sharing, letting go and forgiveness. Here it goes, At the young age of 5 I was molested by my mother's boyfriend. I think It went on for a year, some things are fuzzy cause the mind tries to protect itself. I told guys I dated but only came clean to my mom at 25. I took steps, therapy, and of course forgave all the parties involved years ago. Some family members, friends, and associates are finding this out by and by. Now what happens is the Universe sends people my way who have all been molested by someone in their youth. There begins the soul share. I in-turn have to help them over come that burden they picked up and should not have had to do. Then I went to a ...