Thank You

I want to thank everyone inquiring about the TV show The People's Pulse. I told you guys it would air certain days and times. That is out of my control. I have no broadcasting skills nor any formal training in television and do not know how operations work. I do know about deadlines and getting things done when they are supposed to. What I do know is people have a voice and want to be heard. I enjoy meeting new people and enjoy hearing their stories. They inspire me. I know that I have a purpose in life and will use any vehicle God/Universe presents to me. In front of the camera I am a nervous wreck but I push through because I know about pushing past comfort zones. It may be hard to believe, in certain venues and arenas I am shy. People say wow not you. Yes, me. I push through and show up. I have been told in many of my organizations that just showing up makes a difference. So I do. I try to show up at the events I'm invited to by people to show support for their cause or ...