
Showing posts from May, 2012

Writing that First Book

I get a lot of questions about book writing. My response had been just write. Not everyone's thoughts are like mine, nor do they think as I do, so then how can they just sit down and start writing with no foundation? Everyone has some kind of method, if you have not written anything, then the advice I give is of no substance to you. I later had an "aha" moment and said I need to be more clear and transparent to and for some of the people asking, for I do not desire to discourage any one from fulfilling a dream of becoming a published Author, or telling their story. The first order of business is to decide what it is you desire to write. Will it be fiction, non-fiction, biography, autobiography. If it is non-fiction meaning a true story but not about yourself, then you will need to get permission from those you will be writing about, mainly because you will be using their names and actual events in their lives. If your work is biography or autobiography about someones li...