It's odd to hear about damaged men because you always hear of the damaged women. Well they do exist. There are many a damaged man out there. Men that have been married,engaged,and or shacked who have been hurt deeply by their Ex. These men cannot move forward in a relationship. If and when they try, they hold the current woman responsible for what the previous woman did. Any sort of attitude, conversation, and or mannerism with set this man off. The set off can causes this man to close up. To go into a shell so to speak. No matter how the new or current woman makes the man feel he is reminded of the hurt. Now some people do marry, engage, and date the wrong people, and it takes understanding of self to see that. I understand being cautious, but to be told at every turn the Ex hurt them, the Ex cheated on them, they can't take that chance of being hurt again. Some of the good men are not taken or gay they are damaged and afraid. They are sitting in a home somewhere raising their...